Warrior Cats Games Online Free No Download
This website is home to the original, New Prophecy, and Power of Three single player warrior cats video games. All three games are available for free download from the download page. Also found here are instructions for getting started, a comments/questions board. If no kit selects her, which will be unlikely, she has a miscarriage. Hunting This game will feature hunting, and will have lots of prey, including mice, lizards, bluebirds, and much more. Joining a Clan If you are a rogue, there will be a Clans tab. Click it, and a menu will open, listing all Clans with an online leader.

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- Battle Scars (A Warrior Cats tale) by blueskies555. This is a really good warrior cat game, but if you finish it then I'm definitely going to give it 5 stars!!! Download file Written for Quest 5.5 Added 30 Sep 2014 Updated 02 Oct 2014 Share.
- What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network. Have a look around and see what we're about. Quiz topic: Will I Survive as a Warrior cat.
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Warrior Cat Games No Download
Find out your own warrior cat name by taking this 10-question quiz. I hope you guys have fun trying to get the warrior cats TigerStone, Raindapple, SoftFeather, Sweeting, Autumn leaf, BrokenFoot, and FarrenHeart.
Warrior Cats Games To Download
- A kit from another Clan is injured by the border, what do you do?
Help the kit, I can't just ignore him.
Watch and wait to see what happens.
Completely ignore the kit, it's from another Clan!
- You scent ShadowClan warriors on you territory, and see the patrol nearby, what do you do?
Stalk them carefully..
Go back to camp and alert my leader
- You are fighting WindClan, when you come face to face from one of your friends from this Clan, what would you do?
Attack! My Clan comes first!
I back off.
Tell them to back off.
- You are seriously injured by a fox on the border and no one from MY Clan is around, you see an enemy patrol and they offer help, what do you do?
Claw their faces! I can't trust them!
Agree to go with them, I'm in pain!
Quiz them suspiciously..
- What pelt color do you like?
Orange Tabby w/ green eyes.
Dark gray tabby w/ dark blue eyes.
Red tabby w/ dark green eyes.
White with gray tabby spots w/ a blue and brown eye.
Dark tabby w/ dark amber eyes.
Light gray with white paws and light purple eyes.
Light Brown tabby w/ medium green eyes.
- What Clan do you like?
Place of no Stars.
- A Fail Whale is trying to eat a cat. What do you do now?
Run away!
Make fun of it.
Attack it so the cat can escape.
- You are really hungry in leaf-bare and you see a rabbit on WindClan territory. What would you do?
Kill the rabbit, I need strength to hunt for my Clan.
Kill the rabbit, and drag it across the border and make it seem like WindClan killed it.
It is on WindClan territory..
- Are you enjoying this quiz?
Yeah, it's cool.
It's okay..
It's pretty stupid..
I hate it!
Can we get to the results?
- A double rainbow across the sky; what does it mean?
An omen.
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So, pretty
Freak of nature.